Fablulous find of local fashion

Today I walked around the HUUUUGE plaza/mall at Shatin.  I walked for a long time and didn’t find anything I liked and I was getting sad… Right as I was about to give up and head home.. I came across a store called “chapel’ “.  What a great find! The store is composed of mostly black and white colors and a mix of neutrals.  Its clothes consist of a variety of simple constructions with a pop detail.  What amazed me even more was the price! I was thinking to myself… oh this T is probably overpriced like most things at this mall.  But NOPE! I was so shocked! It was like “oh wait…*crunch the exchange rate* I can actually afford this!” 95% of the things I picked up are under $200 HKD which is about $25 USD.

So yea without further wait!

Chapel’ is designed by a group of local designers and produced in China.  Hence, the lower retail price compared to other brands.  Currently, they have 2 locations.  One is in Shatin, the other is located in Tsim Sha Tsui.  If you check out their under construction website, you can see their store layout under “shops”.  It has a very romantic ambiance with a cool twist and a little like a story tale layout.  Its dark organic decor infused with city chic is certainly one of a kind.

So I went nuts at this store.  Exhibit A:

$160 HKD such a light material and it has a shine to it too.  Love it.

$150 HKD can wear it as a tunic or a dress.  It has a bohemian feel to it if you pair it with some wooden bangles and sandals.  But for me, I’m gonna wear snake print tights with my new shoes! the black peep toe wedge! 🙂

$240 HKD the first thing I picked up! This has a very heavy Japanese influence.  It’s in a kimono shape with pockets on the side.  I’m a big fan of this dress because there is not one unneeded detail.  Also, making a statement with the simplicity of the dress won me over.  I’m thinking of wearing brown boots with a scarf to create a very pure and playful look.

$150 HKD This is a 2 tone tunic/dress in the boxy style as well.  The beige side is polyester in the satin look.  The back is actually a royal blue chiffon so it is a little see through 😛  One, I love how the sleeve has a slit.  Two, a see through back is sexy!  Another great addition for the fall to pair with leggings and ankle boots.

They are on facebook! So check it!

Hong Kong yum yum!

Came here for dinner tonight, so delicious! haha of course I would cut off its name in the picture.  But yeah it’s far deep in New Territories, I doubt people will go all the way there for this restaurant. haha but if you REALLY need to know, just ask 🙂

This! One of my favorites! A chao zhou (潮州) folk dish.  Deep marinated soy sauce squid and intestines.  It is called “Da Lang” (打冷).  Soy sauce marinated things might not seem all that special.  I guess what captures me is the ingredients used in this.  Seriously, how often are you gonna eat goose intestines?  They also have pig ears, cow tongue, red sausage, etc etc~ There are so many choices! Ps it’s goose in the back. 😛 yum.  By the way, if you have not tried goose before.. it tastes exactly like duck.  Except geese are BEEFIER 😛 and FATTER holding more of the savory bird taste.  Both dishes are also paired with tofu at the bottom.  I love tofu! such a good healthy stable :3 How can I not love this stuff?

Another one of my all time favorites, the oyster pancake! There are a lot of ways making it and I have never tried 2 that taste alike.  There is the one with a higher concentration of egg in the batter.  So essentially, it turned into oyster scrambled egg.. but this is the extreme fried pancake version! Every bite like popped in my mouth! As you can tell by its texture, it’s bubbly.  It was I-want-seconds delicious! The oysters weren’t over-cooked at all and they were moist at heart under its crispy outer coating.  This one here definitely deserves praise.  I’ve had many in my life and there was only other one that was simply unforgettable.  It’s so nostalgic… the last time I had such a fabulous one was 3 years ago.  However, I will say that the one delivered by Penang in Philadelphia also packs a punch as well.  But like I said, every one is different, they all have their special characteristic that brands the restaurant.  It’s difficult to compare sometimes and decide on one single winner.

The finale of the night, the salt baked fish.  It was baked with a full bowl of sea salt covering not only the body of the fish, but also it overflowed the plate.  It wasn’t the highlight of my dinner… well, the presentation, maybe 😛 but taste wise was so-so.  I just find it so interesting how you must cut it open, pretty much detach the skin and only eat the meat and not the coating.  So supposedly this type of fish (I have no idea what it’s called) has a very rough and basically non-nutritional skin b/c of its habitat.  However, if you prepare it in this way (a very popular Thai street snack), it instantly upgrades to being a worth mentioning delectable.  Bottom line: fair enough. lol

Dessert? We went next door to a mango specialty dessert place.  Yum~ except I didn’t order anything containing mango because I still have to mango mochi that no one would eat with me!! 😦 but yea haha I got the coconut milk purple rice “tong shui” (糖水).  It’s a thick syrupy water based dessert soup.  Rich with the coconut cream and healthy with its ingredients.  It was the perfect way to call it a night. 🙂